Registration for 2024

Welcome back to the Capital Region Model Railway Tour. Once again, local modellers have offered to open their layouts for the day and host visitors who would like to see what model railroading is all about.

Please note: this is not a “house tour”!
The objective is for us all to share in the experience – visitor and layout owner alike. Respect the owner’s home and stay in the designated railway tour areas only. If you have children in your group, please ensure that they are supervised at all times.

Masks may be required and are available at each layout on request.

Option 2:
As a previous registrant
, you are able to register and pay in advance online using the PayPal link below and receive a printable version of the Tour book and pass(es), so that you can avoid having to go to the Tour registration desk at St. Anthony’s Soccer Club on October 26.

Option 3:
As a new participant
, you are also able to register online using the form below and pay in advance using the PayPal link below. But you will still have to go to St. Anthony’s Soccer club on October 26 to complete ID verification before starting the tour.

In person registration (Option 1) is still available at St Anthony’s, for new or returning participants who prefer not to pay online.

Please pass this information to your friends who may be planning to attend this year’s tour. They will be able to find detailed instructions on the “How It Works” page of the website.

Please note that the information provided in the tour book is for the personal use of tour guests on the day of the tour.

To complete the registration process, please click the button below to make your payment via PayPal. 
If you do not have a PayPal account, you can pay using any major credit card. To pay with your own card you still need to click the PayPal link. PayPal will have instructions on how you can pay with your own credit card.

Once your payment is confirmed, you will be provided with instructions to download your pass and tour guide booklet.

Please take a moment to answer the following survey questions.

self-guided tour of model train layouts