

Welcome to the seventh annual Capital Region Model Railway Tour. Once again, local modellers have offered to open their layouts for the day and host visitors who would like to see what model railroading is all about. This self-guided tour is open to any member of the public who has an interest in the hobby of model railroading.

This year’s Tour date is Saturday, October 26, 2024. Check our web site from time to time or our Facebook page for further information as we move forward with our plans to provide you with the opportunity to visit the best model railroad layouts in the Capital Region.

If you have a model railway that you would like to show to others by participating in a future tour please complete the Registration/questionnaire.

We’re looking forward to seeing you this October 26. If you have any questions about how to participate as a Tour guest, layout host, or volunteer, please contact us. We are here to help you any time!

We hope you will join us on the 2024 Tour.



self-guided tour of model train layouts