Layout Registration CAPITAL REGION MODEL RAILWAY TOUR (CRMRT) If you have a model railway that you would like to show to others in future, we invite you to complete this form. You can amend the information provided at any time. Layout Registration Your name Layout Name Phone Number Email address Are you able to participate in the upcoming October tour? Yes No Maybe The standard tour hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. If there are additional restrictions on the availability of your layout, please provide your hours. I have liability insurance for a minimum of $2,000,000 and save the CRMRT Association harmless for any legal claims arising from the Tour. Confirmed Did you register your layout for a previous tour? (If yes, you only need to complete the rest of the form if there are changes/updates to your information.) Yes No If Yes Information the same as before See changes below ========== YOUR INFORMATION ========== Street address (including apartment number) City Province Postal Code ========== YOUR LAYOUT ========== Brief narrative overview of your layout – 120 words maximum Scale and Gauge Layout size Locale Modelled Era Motive Power Steam Diesel Electric Other If other, please describe Percentage with scenery Control System DCC DC Other If other, please describe Notable or unusual features of your layout Do you use an operating system e.g. car cards Yes No ========== SHOWING YOUR LAYOUT ========== Maximum number of visitors at one time Special instructions or accessibility issues for entering your layout room (e.g. via garage, side door, stairs, etc.) Thank you.